Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dickens Map (Jan 28)

1) My reading schedule consists of reading everyday for 30 minutes.

2) AP questions
          -Why do you think this novel divided into three parts?
          - Are there any points in the novel where you hear our author slipping into tour guide?
          - If Pip had not received his "great expectations" and never left Joe's forge, how do you think his life
would have been different?
          - Given Dickens' portrayal of Estella, what do you think attracts Pip to her in the first place, and what,  when he learns of her cold-blooded manipulation of men, keeps Pip devoted to her until the end, loving her, as he says, "against reason, against promise, against peace"?

3) I think the only way i could actually get  something out of this is to remix it or do a lit analysis on it.

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