Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Senior Project

My senior project consists of a poetry slam sort of event surounded by art that gives a visual of what the poems mean.

If you would like to add poems or your own art, either, let me know in person or email me at


Friday, April 19, 2013

kafka multiple choice

1. What is Kafka's last name?
a) Hakura.
b) Katura.
c) Tamura.
d) Mafura.

2. In which Japanese city does Kafka live?
a) Tokyo.
b) Hiroshima.
c) Osaka.
d) Kyoto.

3. What is the name of Kafka's imaginary companion?
a) Crow.
b) Robin.
c) Raven.
d) Jay.

4. How old is Kafka when he decides to run away from home?
a) Fifteen.
b) Seventeen.
c) Thirteen.
d) Eleven.

5. Which of the following items is NOT something Kafka steals from his father before running away?
 a) His knife.
b) His money.
c) His diary.

6. What is the name of Mrs. Saeki's spirit?

a) Keiko.
b) Ying.
c) Sakura.
d) She has no name.

7. Who is asked to kill evil before it can escape through the entrance stone?

a) Oshina.
b) Kafka.
c) Hoshino.
d) Nakata.

8. How does Nakata react when he sees some bikers beating a man at the truck stop?

a) He is terrified.
b) He is confused.
c) He is amused.
d) He is enraged.

9. How long does Kafka spend unattended at Oshima's cottage?

a) Three years.
b) Three months.
c) Three days.
d) Three weeks.

10. What weather storms into the city after Hoshino steals the entrance stone?

a) Hail.
b) Tornados.
c) Snow.
d) Rain.

11. How old was Nakata when his mentor died, closing the shop where they both worked?

a) 40.
b) 10.
c) 20.
d) 60.

12. Where was Mrs. Saeki's boyfriend killed?

a) At a book sale.
b) At a student protest.
c) At a birthday party.
d) At a rock concert.

13. How old was Mrs. Saeki when she opened the entrance stone for the first time?

a) 20.
b) 40.
c) 30.
d) 10.

14. Which part of the paralyzed cats' bodies does Johnny Walker eat while Nakata looks on, horrified?

a) Their eyes.
b) Their brains.
c) Their tongues.
d) Their hearts.

15. How does Hoshino carry the entrance stone back to his hotel room?

a) In a taxi cab.
b) In a wagon.
c) In his pocket.
d) In a backpack.

16. Which of the following phrases does Mrs. Saeki use to describe herself?

a) An incomplete shadow.
b) A separated whole.
c) A boundless body.
d) A mysterious soul.

17. What is pachinko?

a) Footwear.
b) A type of sticky rice.
c) A gambling game.
d) A child's toy.

18. Who is the only other person that Kafka encounters as he is wandering through the woods?

a) Mrs. Saeki's spirit.
b) A Japanese soldier.
c) A small, frightened girl.
d) He does not encounter any other person.

19. Which of the following is NOT something that ceases to matter in the deserted village?

a) Time.
b) Love.
c) Hunger.
d) Memory.

20. What party does the political trucker align himself with?

a) Libertarians.
b) Democrats.
c) Republicans.
d) Communists.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Multiple Choice


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brave New World (II & III)

I actually enjoyed Chapter 2 and 3 because I was introduced to new characters and other settings rather than just a boring London factory where humans are genetically engineered. I was introduced to Lenina and Fanny. Lenina is a promiscous woman which is normal in Huxley's Brave New World because everyone belongs to one another in their society so there are no such thing as mothers or love. There is only satisfaction and orgasms brought about by constant sex within society. An interesting trait of Lenina is that even though she is bound by society to be promiscous, she likes to date only one man at a time. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lit Terms 82-100

82. Omniscient Point of View:  knowing all things, usually the third person.

83. Onomatopoeia: use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its

84. Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which two contradicting words or phrases are combined to produce a rhetorical effect by means of a concise paradox

85. Pacing:  rate of movement; tempo.

86. Parable:  a story designed to convey some religious principle, moral lesson, or general truth.

87. Paradox:  a statement apparently self-contradictory or absurd but really containing a possible truth; an opinion contrary to generally accepted ideas.

88. Parallelism: the principle in sentence structure that states elements of equal function should have equal form.

89. Parody:  an imitation of mimicking of a composition or of the style of a well-known artist.

90. Pathos:  the ability in literature to call forth feelings of pity, compassion, and/or sadness.

91. Pedantry: a display of learning for its own sake.

92. Personification: a figure of speech attributing human qualities to inanimate objects or  abstract ideas.

93. Plot: a plan or scheme to accomplish a purpose.

94. Poignant:  eliciting sorrow or sentiment.

95. Point of View: the attitude unifying any oral or written argumentation; in description, the physical point
from which the observer views what he is describing.

96. Postmodernism: literature characterized by experimentation, irony, nontraditional forms, multiple meanings, playfulness and a blurred boundary between real and imaginary.

97. Prose:  the ordinary form of spoken and written language; language that does not have a regular rhyme pattern.

98. Protagonist: the central character in a work of fiction; opposes antagonist.

99. Pun:  play on words; the humorous use of a word emphasizing different meanings or applications.

100. Purpose: the intended result wished by an author.

Lit Terms 101-136

101. Realism:  writing about the ordinary aspects of life in a straightfoward manner to reflect life as it actually is.

102. Refrain:  a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in a poem or song; chorus.

103. Requiem:  any chant, dirge, hymn, or musical service for the dead.

104. Resolution: point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out; denouement.

105. Restatement: idea repeated for emphasis.

106. Rhetoric: use of language, both written and verbal in order to persuade.

107. Rhetorical Question: question suggesting its own answer or not requiring an answer; used in argument or persuasion.

108. Rising Action: plot build up, caused by conflict and complications, advancement towards climax.

109. Romanticism:  movement in western culture beginning in the eighteenth and peaking in the nineteenth century as a revolt against Classicism; imagination was valued over reason and fact.

110. Satire:  ridicules or condemns the weakness and wrong doings of individuals, groups, institutions, or humanity in general.

111. Scansion: the analysis of verse in terms of meter.

112. Setting: the time and place in which events in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem occur.

113. Simile:  a figure of speech comparing two essentially unlike things through the use of a specific word of comparison.

114. Soliloquy: an extended speech, usually in a drama, delivered by a character alone on stage.

115. Spiritual: a folk song, usually on a religious theme.

116. Speaker: a narrator, the one speaking.

117. Stereotype: cliché; a simplified, standardized conception with a special meaning and appeal for members of a group; a formula story.

118. Stream of Consciousness: the style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images, as the character experiences them.

119. Structure: the planned framework of a literary selection; its apparent organization.

120. Style:  the manner of putting thoughts into words; a characteristic way of writing or speaking.

121. Subordination: the couching of less important ideas in less important  structures of language.

122. Surrealism: a style in literature and painting that stresses the subconscious or the nonrational aspects of man’s existence characterized by the juxtaposition of the bizarre and the banal.

123. Suspension of Disbelief: suspend not believing in order to enjoy it.

124. Symbol: something which stands for something else, yet has a meaning of its own.

125. Synesthesia: the use of one sense to convey the experience of another sense.

126. Synecdoche: another form of name changing, in which a part stands for the whole.

127. Syntax: the arrangement and grammatical relations of words in a sentence.

128. Theme:  main idea of the story; its message(s).

129. Thesis: a proposition for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved
or disproved; the main idea.

130. Tone: the devices used to create the mood and atmosphere of a literary work; the        
author’s perceived point of view.

131. Tongue in Cheek: a type of humor in which the speaker feigns seriousness; a.k.a. “dry” or “dead pan”

132. Tragedy: in literature: any composition with a somber theme carried to a disastrous conclusion; a fatal event; protagonist usually is heroic but tragically (fatally) flawed

133. Understatement: opposite of hyperbole; saying less than you mean for emphasis

134. Vernacular: everyday speech

135. Voice:  The textual features, such as diction and sentence structures, that convey a writer’s or speaker’s pesona.

136. Zeitgeist: the feeling of a particular era in history

Friday, February 22, 2013

First Quarter Review

a) My performance this semester has not been as good as I wished, but there have been several occasions in which I have had "no" internet access. Unfortunately I dont not know my neighbors well enough to go over and use their computers. The factor that I live near a halfway house and a house with both the people being 50/50. Yet I believe my progress with my SMART goal and my senior project is good.

b) I expect next semester to:
     - not slip up on my blog posts
     - Continue to progress with my SMART goal and my senior project
     - and with this get a better grade