Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tools That Change The Way We Think

Internet, media, and technology in a way decrease how much i have to think about what i'm searching for. This is because I can get a definition or an answer just by pressing some buttons and not by going to the library or looking through a book for the answer. Knowing that the internet has "all" of the answers I feel that the need to memorize things is not a necessity. If an elder person needed to recall information from some time ago it would be more effective than the memory of a teen from this generation due to the technology. With all of the advertisement, pop-ups, and access to websites all over the internet focus on what your trying to accomplish tends to fade. For the majority the internet is not used to further ones intellectual thoughts but to make thoughts easier to find for ones convenience. And for that reason I believe that the internet and the new technology that we have access to is not the greatest thing. On other hand they are good sources to find facts on things that you need if your on the run.

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